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Grant References

Process, Terms and Conditions,

and Other Information

Red String References:

To help provide better visibility into Red String's Grant process and requirements, the references below are provided.   If you have any questions, please contact us at  We operate with a small staff and we will respond as quickly as possible.

  1. Partner Charities:   Learn more about our past and current Partner Charities 

  2. Red String Terms and Conditions:    This page provides the Red String's grant terms and conditions.  The list is not exhaustive and not all terms and conditions may apply on all grants depending on factors such as grant size, risks, and complexity.
  3. Red String Foundation Grant Proposal Information Package: This is our Grant Proposal Information Package that we send to those candidate charities that have been down selected to proceed to our Application Development stage (Step 3, below) of our grant process.  

Red String Grant Process:

We greatly appreciate learning about different community-based nonprofit organizations making a difference for the many people living in the communities that they serve.  Red String accepts unsolicited requests for funding through a letter of inquiry; however, please note that the majority of our grant-making are solicited by the Foundation. 

The Foundation utilizes a 7-step grant making process:

  1. Idea Exchange and Initial Screening: Determine if the candidate charity is qualified including verification of exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) and financial status, and that the idea/concept aligns with the Foundation’s mission, objectives, focus programs, and values.

  2. Grant Proposal:  Invite selected charities to submit a grant proposal that further details the project’s idea/concept.  The Foundation will conduct continued due diligence which may include site visits, interviews with the charity’s leadership team, and review of past projects. The majority of applicants will go through this stage; however, not all will, depending on such factors as grant size, scope, and/or complexity.

  3. Application Development: The Foundation will collaborate with the charity to refine the proposal, budget, resources, anticipated challenges, desired outcomes, and initial project plan.

  4. Application review: The Foundation will conduct continued due diligence and collaborate with the charity to finalize the application and proposal.

  5. Recommendation and Decision: The Foundation leadership will develop a recommendation and submit the proposal to the Board of Directors for decision.  The grant will be approved, rejected for further information, or denied.

  6. Notification and Payment: The Foundation will create a grant letter to align expectations about the terms of the grant.  The letter is reviewed and signed by the Foundation and charity partner, and then funds are sent via a bank wire transfer.

  7. Program Status and Review:  Depending on factors such as grant size and program duration the Board may determine whether the partner charity will be required to provide the Foundation program updates.   

Candidate Form:

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